More than one Mac in the family and everyone needs to use CheckBook? Take a look at the CheckBook Family Pack, a special license that allows your household to use the same CheckBook serial number on up to 5 Macs at the same time.
Mac OS X 10.6 or later (10.7.3 or later for Mac App Store users). Track cash flow over time with customizable reports so you can see where your money came from and where it's going Check out CheckBook Pro: Everything in CheckBook and then some.

Introducing CheckBook 2, your powerfully simple personal finance manager. What you really need is a friendly personal finance tool that gets the basics just right and keeps things simple. Finance is designed as preparation for a variety of financial careers. Each of the many firms, businesses, institutions, and governmental agencies in our economic system has the problem of obtaining, administering, and managing its funds efficiently and wisely. Medieval torture devices like Quicken® are so full of features you don't need that they're actually painful to use. Finance is considered one of the basic functions of our private enterprise system. Net worth: the most important number in your personal finance. "Where does all my money go?" A paper check register can't categorize your transactions or report cash flow over time, and it'll never balance itself. Net worth tracking - your financial health checkup. Visit the CheckBook support page for assistance.